Beams & Channels Compare 8 Companies

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Johnson Bros. Roll Forming Co.

Quality, Excellence & Dependability in Roll Formed Metal Components

Metal Component Parts: Manufacturer of standard and custom roll formed U channels. Made from steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, alloys and other materials. Available in finished lengths from 3 in. through 40 ft. long with maximum material thickness of 0.125 in. down to 0.005 in. Material widths...
Learn more about Metal Component Parts

Founded in 1955, OMCO is a premier manufacturer of custom designed roll formed parts and assemblies. OMCO operates four manufacturing facilities within the United States spanning from Ohio to Arizona.

When Olympic Steel was founded in 1954, our business focused on warehousing and distribution of steel from a single facility with no major processing equipment. Today, our enterprise has an enormously wider range, focused on growth, geographic and customer diversity and the value-added...

Carbon & Alloy Steel: Carbon steel is an alloy consisting of iron and carbon. Several other elements are allowed in carbon steel, with low maximum percentages. These elements are manganese, with a 1.65% maximum, silicon, with a 0.60% maximum, and copper, with a 0.60% maximum. Other elements may be present in...
Learn more about Carbon & Alloy Steel

Gerdau is a Top 10 overall steel producer and the second largest minimill steel producer in North America. The company has the capacity to manufacture over 8.4 million tons of mill finished steel products annually. Through an integrated network of minimills, steel scrap recycling facilities,...

JMS stocks a wide range of steel, aluminum, and stainless products. We have plate processing equipment, saw-cutting capapbilities, and a cut to length line for plate and sheet products.