Brake Lathes

Available from BendPak Inc.
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Exceptionally speedy, rugged and precise, Ranger's full-service brake lathes are hands-down the best in-class investment you can make for brake service capabilities. Featuring infinitely adjustable feed rates at the turn of the dial, our brake lathes are designed to deliver perfect lathe results every time. Ranger Brake Lathes are the superior choice because no other brake lathe on the market has the same incredible Ranger innovations, essential to every garage or shop looking to perform brake service.

One of our brake lathes' best features is the independent DC servo motors that control the cross feed and spindle feed drives, virtually eliminating the need for mechanical gear boxes found in traditional brake lathing units. The final result is a drastic reduction in repair and service costs throughout the entirety of your Ranger Brake Lathe's lifetime.

Additionally, all Ranger Brake Lathes come standard with a heavy-duty work bench, convenient quick-change tool-head design, a complete adapter package, simple controls that minimize operator movement, a double-headed work lamp, safety shield, chip "catch" funnel and an adjustable cross feed stop. No other brake lathe works as hard as a Ranger Brake Lathe; Ranger always means value.

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